Welcome to The ACtHPR Monitor, an independent website dedicated to the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
Why does The ACtHPR Monitor exist? At The ACtHPR Monitor we believe the African Court has the potential to be one, if not the, most important court in the world. We believe that one of the reasons why the African Court has yet to fulfill this potential is a lack of information and understanding surrounding the African Court and its work.
The ACtHPR Monitor was established in January 2014 with the aim of plugging some of those gaps by providing an online presence for news, comment and debate on the African Court. It is entirely independent of the African Court, governments and NGOs.
You will find articles, case summaries and interviews in our Posts section. Find out more about the African Court itself here. Our Country Tracker provides a quick reference on the status of member states before the African Court, and our Essential Guide provides the basics for potential applications. Discover which AU member states have been subject to judgements on the merits in our Judgement Atlas and access all the African Court’s judgements in our Judgement Library.
To learn more please visit the About Us section. You can also follow us on Twitter @acthpr_monitor.